Swimming pool cleaner
To professionally clean a swimming pool, it is important to remove atmospheric pollution from the swimming pool. Pollution can accumulate at the waterline, the subsoil or around the pool. There are different types of cleaners for this, one of which is an acidic cleaner. Acid cleaners will remove contamination such as rust deposits, soot deposits, phosphates, sulfates, salts, cement residue or black deposits.
How do I remove rust in a swimming pool?
Cleaning rust in a swimming pool is an important point of attention. Chlorine and urine cause rust and corrosion. This not only occurs in swimming pools, but also above the waterline due to moisture and chlorine fumes. In addition, rust deposits occur on other parts around the pool. Consider, for example, foundations of diving boards, fencing, door hinges, starting blocks, grandstands, furniture, referee seats. Corrosion or rust can be solved quickly and effectively with Swimming Pool and Sauna ECO Cleaner - Atmospheric and Mineral , possibly with the help of a brush or pad.
By using a highly concentrated acid cleaner, the rust deposits will be broken down. It is important here that it is a safe acidic cleaner that will not affect the surfaces in the swimming pool.
Acid cleaner pool
Because phosphates, rust deposits and other mineral pollution are naturally present in and around swimming pools, it is necessary to remove them regularly with an acidic cleaning agent. Mineral pollution, also known as atmospheric pollution, is pollution that comes from the air. Minuscule soot particles end up in the air, which as a result adhere in the form of, for example, gray to black soot deposits on all kinds of surfaces. It is also a food source for mosses and algae.
Acidic pool cleaners are used to effectively remove atmospheric or mineral pollution. Due to the high acidity, it will quickly and easily break down the pollution. This allows you to enjoy a clean and well-maintained swimming pool again.
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